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In July and August of 2001, I took trips to Georgia and Arizona to collect insects, mostly beetles. Insect collecting has been a lifelong hobby, and each year I look forward to the summer when I can go on collecting trips to different parts of the country.

Photographs of some of the insects caught in Georgia and Arizona are on this and the following pages.

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NASCAR's Atlanta Motor Speedway, Hampton, GA
Here's me at the racetrack before the serious collecting started

Weather Unusually Cool This Summer
Georgia in the summer normally is very hot and humid, but this year it was unusually cool; even the humidity on most days was tolerable. It seemed the insects were laying low, waiting for the "real" summer to show up!

Arizona also had below-normal temperatures this summer. The area between Tucson and Nogales--my favorite part of the state--sees temperatures in the high 90s to the low 100s, but it was in the 80s in early August. And the summer monsoon rains were light (although one night's collecting got washed out by very high winds and torrential rain). These weather abnormalities probably were factors in the lower number of insects (as well as snakes) seen on this trip compared to past trips.

Unicorn Beetles from Atlanta area
Also known as Eastern Hercules Beetle. Female at left, male at right

This was one of the beetle species I was hoping to find on this trip!